Decision Making


The ability to make the right decision defines a good manager.  Along with the correct decision making follows respect, support, and confidence by subordinates.  Decision making takes on more significance at higher levels of any organization with the resulting ramifications defining the company at least at that point in time.  Decision making is a process described as; identifying a goal or strategy, gathering information, considering various outcomes, making the decision, and evaluating the situation as a result of the decision (Bateman et al., 2020).


In the article; Enjoying the quiet life: Corporate decision-making by entrenched managers, the authors hypothesis that corporate managers exhibit avoidance behavior when it comes to making decisions when they sense protection of their position as a result of the capital market or factors such as friendly stockholders (Noashi et al., 2018).   This hypothesis was tested in a sample consisting of corporate managers in Japan from publicly traded, international companies.  The behavior they recorded had to do with efforts to expand business internationally.  They observed a tendency of some in the sample to avoid opportunities for international expansion.  They noticed that typically these subjects possessed a ‘thinking’ decision style whereas often senior, older managers who had more managerial experience did not display those tendencies.  The researchers made a direct correlation to how these hesitant managers were placated by the situation created by friendly shareholders as well as friendly business relationships that involved bankers and creditors.  Their conclusion was that managers performed more efficiently and displayed better decision making tendencies, given their position, if there were external pressures or an element of supervision guiding their behavior (Noashi et al., 2018).  


The research demonstrates that very often managers need a form of accountability or supervision to be effective (Noashi et al., 2018).  It follows that managerial decision making might be considered, enhanced, with pressures that require job performance.  Great managers are seldom born, they are developed through years of experience and situations that form them into leaders.  The interesting thing I found in this article was that the data reflected a majority of managers exhibiting this behavior.  The researcher’s hypothesis, proven true, that managers require an element of supervision, or pressure that drives their actions is interesting.  The desire for economic enhancement is evidently not enough of a factor for some.  I think a crucial element in these observations is that quality of experience.  They note that older, more experienced supervisors displayed a lesser degree of these negative behaviors, which I think is directly attributable to experience and the leadership qualities that develop over time.   These leadership qualities not only guide the employees and the firm in the direction dictated by company officials, but also is reflected in the responsibility of fellow co-workers and their well-being, advancement, and quality of life.  I believe these qualities of leadership develop through time and are reinforced with experience. 

Interestingly, in an article by Makoto, there is the need for managers to ‘unlearn’ many of the behaviors learned and mastered as they ascend to corporate office positions within a company.  Company officers shared that they had to unlearn or be re-trained in respect to typical managerial skills of decision making, that included delegation, motivation techniques and information collection.  They also reported that this un-learning process was discontinuous and could have been achieved more efficiently through a more regimented training program.  They reported that this change of emphasis was not insignificant but rather expansive relating to, “decision making skills that were switched from ‘short‐term, analytic, and partial’ to ‘long‐term, intuitive, and holistic’. Skills in delegation and motivation were transformed from ‘directive’ to ‘dedicated and entrusting’. Skills in collecting information were switched from ‘direct collection’ to ‘network‐based collection’” (Matsuo, 2019).

Thematically, one could say after reviewing these articles; managers make decisions that advance the profitability of the business.  These decisions result in the leadership of the employees and the resulting office culture.  The quality of the manager is crucial to the success of the firm.  A substandard supervisor can pollute the office environment that can result in a decrease work level, jeopardize personnel in regard to attitudes, as well as the possibility of losing personnel, not to mention the fact that an inefficient manager loses money.  There is a managerial quality that I sense is taking a back seat to other qualities, learned values, and processes.  This quality is experience.  The best trained manager in the world will not be a great manger without experience.  This is such a crucial element that it cannot be overstated.  It is the experience that solidifies the decisions made with confidence, with knowledge of how to handle events before they happen and predict calamity and opportunity before a reaction.  The leadership developed in the managerial ranks when transformed to abilities of corporate officers in a company needs to be altered to conform with newly defined responsibilities and expectations.  I would think the best corporate officers were the best managers.


Bateman, T., Snell, S., &Konopaske, R., M: Management, 6th Ed. Published by McGraw-Hill Education, New York, NY, 2020, IBSN: 978-1-260-48524

[image]. (n.d.).

Matsuo, M. (2019).  The Unlearning of Managerial Skills: A Qualitative Study of Executive Officers.  European management review, 16(2), 303–315.

     Naoshi, I., Kotura, I., & Sho, W. (2018). Enjoying the quiet life: Corporate decision-making by entrenched managers.   Journal of Japanese and International Economies, 47(3), 55-69.

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